Serena’s Stacks & Stacks Of Tennis Whites

  • Posted: Jan 01, 1970

LONDON, England – How many tennis outfits does one Grand Slam champion need? When you’re Serena Williams and going for your twenty-second career title at Wimbledon, the answer is a lot.

Earlier today, Serena gave Bleacher Report’s UNINTERRUPTED an inside look into her 2016 Wimbledon wardrobe, and it looks like the World No.1 is totally outfitted for a long fortnight.

Take a look at the video above and watch as Serena walks us through every piece of her extensive Wimbledon outfits – a different look for singles and for doubles – and see everything from her signature Swoosh headbands to her socks adorned with pom-poms.

However, there’s one crucial item noticeably absent from Serena’s Grand Slam ensemble: it looks like the defending champion is still missing her grass court shoes. Serena accidentally left them behind in the United States before flying out to London, but we’ve got no doubt that Nike will have them to her before the start of her Wimbledon campaign.

Despite the close look into every single piece in her London closet, Serena still held back on one item: you’ll have to wait until she steps out onto Centre Court at the All-England Club to see her Nike dress in action, though you can still get a sneak peak of it on her Twitter account.

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